AHLC Celebrates PA Court Ruling
Contact: Sarah Henry, (202) 238-9088, shenry@americanhumanist.org Monica Miller, (202) 238-9088, mmiller@americanhumanist.org The...
AHLC Approves Satanist Intervention in its Arkansas Monument Fight
Contact: Sarah Henry, (202) 238-9088, shenry@americanhumanist.com Monica Miller, (202) 238-9088, mmiller@americanhumanist.com...
Atheists Urge Court to Uphold Win Against City’s Prayer Vigil
For Immediate Release Contact: Sarah Henry, (202) 238-9088, shenry@americanhumanist.org Monica Miller, (202) 238-9088,...
Atheists Seek to Close the Book on South Carolina Graduation Prayers
For Immediate Release Contact: Sarah Henry, 202-238-9088, shenry@americanhumanist.org Monica Miller, 202-238-9088,...
Godless Humanists Continue Fight for Equality in Federal Appeals Court
For Immediate Release Contact: Sarah Henry, 202-238-9088, shenry@americanhumanist.org Monica Miller, 202-238-9088,...
AHLC Files Second Supreme Court Brief in Bladensburg Cross Case
For Immediate Release Contact: Sarah Henry, 202-238-9088, shenry@americanhumanist.org Monica Miller, 202-238-9088,...
AHLC Files Supreme Court Brief in Bladensburg Cross Case
For Immediate Release Contact: Sarah Henry, 202-238-9088, shenry@americanhumanist.org Monica Miller, 202-238-9088,...
AHLC Joins Letter to Lawmakers Condemning Religious Exemptions for Foster and Adoption Agencies
For Immediate Release Contact: David Niose, 202-238-9088, dniose@americanhumanist.org Monica Miller, 202-238-9088,mmiller@americanhuman...
Humanist Legal Society Launches with Press Club Panel July 19
For Immediate Release Contact: David Niose, Humanist Legal Society Executive Director dniose@americanhumanist.org, 202-238-9088...
AHLC Prevails in Challenge to Religious Activities in Douglas County Schools
For Immediate Release Contact: David Niose, 202-238-9088, dniose@americanhumanist.org Monica Miller, 202-238-9088,mmiller@americanhumanis...