Trouble in the Sandbox: A Postmortem of Trinity Lutheran Church of Columbia v. Comer
This post originally appeared on What a mess. Recycled tires, decrepit playgrounds, scraped knees, footnote 3. The...
Shake Things Up by Sitting Out the Pledge of Allegiance
This post originally appeared on Public schools are supposed to teach kids to think critically, right? Students should be...
SCOTUS Briefing for the Everyday Humanist
Part 1: Birth Control under the Affordable Care Act “Humanists … work to uphold the equal enjoyment of human rights and civil liberties...
False Motives behind “In God We Trust” Police Cruiser Campaigns
This post originally appeared on I wasn’t an English major, but it seems to me the phrase “In God We Trust” affirms only...
Remembering the Glory Days of Church-State Separation
This post originally appeared on June 17 marks the 52nd anniversary of the landmark Supreme Court case, Abington School...
For Courageous Students: the AHA Has Your Back
This post originally appeared on If America’s Supreme Court justices could have spent a day this spring at Valencia High...